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Just Forget the Offense?

A woman celebrating her sixtieth wedding anniversary was asked about her secret to a long marriage. “In the beginning, I made a list of ten things I would automatically forgive him for.” When asked for the list, she remarked, “I never made it. But every time he did something that irritated me, I said, ‘It’s… Continue reading Just Forget the Offense?

Hardships and Trials, Relationships

God’s Gift of Supportive Friends

Have you ever experienced a crisis that left you feeling vulnerable and wounded? Perhaps it felt like you were covered in sores and the gentlest breeze felt like a blast of fire, so you sought solace in isolation. That was me this spring. My family experienced two major health issues—first my stepdad, then my daughter—that… Continue reading God’s Gift of Supportive Friends

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When Relationships Fail–Our Role

As I reflected on my situation with the offended woman, I thought of how Christ treated me. When I was living in complete rebellion against Him, He pursued me, diligently and patiently. When I sinned again and again, He forgave me. And when my sin created a barrier between us that I couldn’t cross, through His death, He tore it down.

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Leaning into God When Your Kids Hurt- By Shelley Brooks

God gave us moms the best and the worst job on the planet. Think about that statement. What comes to mind? I'm a mother of a boy and a girl; I had no idea what life was going to be like for the next 20 years, but God did. I wasn’t a Christian when they… Continue reading Leaning into God When Your Kids Hurt- By Shelley Brooks


When Women Encourage Rather Than Criticize or Compete

Blessing and Bonding By Victoria Mejias Ever feel like you don’t belong? I have. I still do. I have one older brother. I never had a sister. And for a long time, I was the only girl on my mom’s side of the family. So growing up, I tended to be closer to my aunts.… Continue reading When Women Encourage Rather Than Criticize or Compete