
God Gave Me Grace

Newlywed and pregnant at age 22, I knew, to love my daughter well, my life needed to change. I needed God’s grace. 

Only six months into our marriage, my husband and I found out we were pregnant. At the time, we were “responsible” adults. We sporadically went to church with my mom—a very adult thing to do for us back then—and our bills were paid. My husband had a growing business while I finished up my education degree as a student teacher. 

But we were not living for God. 

And, after the initial shock, every part of my life altered in an instant. From what I put into my body on a daily basis to the types of parties we went to. Everything was intentional and filtered through the lens of how to best care for, love, and provide for our daughter. We even began attending church regularly. As we did, God showed us our need for Him. Living in a way that honored Him became important as we strived to grow and shape our child’s life. I grew up misunderstanding this simple word: grace. I didn’t give it the value it deserved. It’s a word we toss around so freely it seems to have lost its luster. Click To Tweet

In all my twenty-three years until her birth, I grew up misunderstanding this simple word: grace. I didn’t give it the value it deserved. It’s a word we toss around so freely it seems to have lost its luster, its awesomeness and wonder. I knew Jesus died for my sins, providing a way into heaven with Him. And I knew this was not because I deserved it, but because He loved me so much. But until I was a parent, the power of grace eluded me.

Our baby is a beautiful example of her middle name, Grace. It  portrays that even though we were sinners, undeserving of His blessing and mercy, God gave us a perfect surprise—a “just because” gift. She rocked our world in the greatest of ways and there is nothing this girl could do to make me love her less. 

And there’s nothing I could do to make Jesus love me less than His infinite capacity. 

That’s its beauty. The beauty of grace.And there’s nothing I could do to make Jesus love me less than His infinite capacity. That’s its beauty. The beauty of grace. Click To Tweet My girl, Grace, has helped me understand John 1:26, “For from His fullness, we have all received grace upon grace” (ESV). Heaps and heaps of grace…

My daughter is the greatest gift, and certainly not one I earned during my hiatus from walking with Him. I’m convinced my daughter will see this tiny word, her namesake, differently when she has kids one day, but until then, I hope to show it to her in powerful ways. I hope my small efforts at modeling Christ will translate a small portion of the enormity of her Father God’s grace over her.

Grace. Powerful, life-giving, and beautiful.

Have you accepted God’s powerful, life-giving gift of grace? I encourage you to accept this special “just because” blessing from God today, and then extend it to others in your life. 


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And join us over at Back to the Bible with the Beautifully Refined reading plan. Growing in Christ Day by Day with Jessica Brodie.

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