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Intentional growth

Resolutions That Will Transform Your Life

Most resolutions fail because they focus on changing one’s behavior, on cleaning the outside of the cup, without dealing with the root of our actions. True and lasting change goes much deeper, to what drives everything else—our good habits and bad, our acts of love and sin, and our fears and our faith.  God revealed… Continue reading Resolutions That Will Transform Your Life

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Intentional growth

Why Do I Struggle Reading My Bible Consistently?

I begrudgingly pulled out my Bible, to read and study, not because I wanted to, but because I felt as if I had to. Ever feel that way? I did. But my eagerness to read it consistently has grown tremendously in recent years, which had me analyzing why. I grew up wanting to become many things… Continue reading Why Do I Struggle Reading My Bible Consistently?


Overcoming Doubt Through Faith — Guest Post

Our doubts can paralyze us or propel us to deeper faith. Our guest blogger today shares how using a story from her childhood that showed her how to move from uncertainty to spiritual victory and deeper intimacy with Christ. Overcoming Doubt in Faith Guest Post by Mirachelle Canada How do you respond to doubt? Does… Continue reading Overcoming Doubt Through Faith — Guest Post